New in Store - Uppercut Deluxe Easy Hold

"Uppercut Deluxe Easy Hold has been specially formulated to give a light hold and a natural finish"

Easy Hold has been available since June and we have highly enjoyed it since its arrival. The product has a very light, natural finish that is great for softer and more natural styles. Its been a great addition to the Uppercut family as more trends are moving away from the traditional slick styles and more towards the natural finish. As for what styles of cuts we have been using it for in the shop, we have been using it in everything from side parts to pushed back looks to short to long hair. Its major advantage is the texture you are able to create with a small amount of product. Although it comes recommended to put it in dry hair first, we have found in the shop putting it in wet hair first and then blow drying creates an even more natural and free flowing style.

Swing in for a tidy up today and ask on of the crew to use some Easy Hold in your next service

Hair by Tommy J's